Standardized herbal extract

Standardized Herbal Extract: A Higher Quality and More Reliable Way to Utilize Medicinal Herbs

What is a standardized herbal extract?

A standardized herbal extract is an extract from a medicinal plant that has been specially processed to contain specific components or compounds in a precisely defined concentration. This process ensures that the resulting extract will have consistent efficacy and meet exact quality standards.

Difference between standardized herbal extract and regular herbal extract:

The main difference between standardized and regular herbal extracts lies in their content and concentration of active ingredients. While regular herbal extracts may have variable content of different components depending on various factors such as plant conditions, method of harvesting, and processing, standardized extracts are manufactured to contain precisely defined amounts of key active substances.

In the standardized type of extract, the percentage of active ingredients is determined. Generally, the level of concentration in standardized extracts is very high.

For example, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a traditional herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve overall health and resilience to stress. The standardized extract of Ashwagandha is produced to contain specific components, especially withanolides, which are responsible for its therapeutic effects.

Difference between standardized herbal extract and herbal powder:

Herbal powders are made from finely ground dried plant materials that preserve all components present in the original plant. On the other hand, standardized extract focuses on isolating and concentrating specific components, increasing its efficacy and reliability.

Example: Standardized extract of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a traditional herb known for its adaptogenic properties and ability to alleviate anxiety and stress. The standardized extract of Ashwagandha is often used to improve overall health and well-being. It contains specific components, such as withanolides, considered the main therapeutic compounds of this plant.

This standardized extract of Ashwagandha is manufactured using modern extraction technologies that ensure consistent content of active ingredients in the final product. This means that each dose of the extract contains precisely determined amounts of withanolides, ensuring consistent efficacy and reliability when used. From 100 kg of herbal powder, only 10 kg of standardized extract is prepared. Then the content of active ingredients (e.g., withanolide content in Ashwagandha) is further tested in this extract. The extract is intended for sale only when it meets the criteria for use. If not, the extract is not used as a standardized extract but only as a pure herbal extract. In our capsules, we use only standardized extract.

The standardized extract of Ashwagandha is often used to alleviate anxiety, improve sleep, support the immune system, and manage stress. It has a guaranteed content of withanolides, which are the main therapeutic components of this herb. This extract is considered a more reliable and effective way to utilize the medicinal properties of Ashwagandha compared to regular herbal powder.

The concentration of withanolides (6-6.5% by HPLC method) and withaferins is highest in Ashwagandha from Planet Ayurveda ®, making it one of the best Ashwagandha in the world. (More than 8% withanolides cannot be achieved with Ashwagandha, and such high values are uncomfortable for some people)

Comparison of expected efficacy between ground herb (herbal powder), regular herbal extract, and standardized herbal extract:

Ground herb (herbal powder):

  • Ground herb is usually used in the form of capsules or added to food or beverages.
  • The efficacy of ground herb may vary and depends on the amount of herb consumed and its quality.
  • To achieve therapeutic effects, larger amounts of herb may be needed, along with long-term use.

Regular herbal extract:

  • Regular herbal extract is created by extracting active ingredients from the herb using a solvent or water.
  • It contains various components and may have variable efficacy depending on the specific extraction method and quality of raw materials.
  • Its efficacy may be better than ground herb, but still variable and may require higher doses to achieve desired results.

Standardized herbal extract:

  • Standardized herbal extract is created to contain precisely defined amounts of key active ingredients.
  • Due to its precise composition, standardized extract has consistent efficacy and dosing, increasing its reliability.
  • Its efficacy is more predictable and can be achieved with smaller doses compared to ground herb or regular herbal extract.
  • Given these factors, standardized herbal extract may be considered the most effective way to utilize the medicinal properties of the herb, as it offers consistent efficacy and reliability compared to other forms.

What does it mean when referring to a standardized extract 10:1?

When a standardized herbal extract, for example, is labeled as 10:1, it indicates the proportional ratio between the amount of dried herbal material used to produce the extract and the amount of resulting extract. In this case, "10" represents that 10 units of dried herb are extracted to yield 1 unit of extract.

For example, if we have a 10:1 extract of Ashwagandha, it means that 10 units of dried leaves and roots of Ashwagandha were used to produce 1 unit of extract. This means that the extract is concentrated and stronger compared to dried herbal materials.

Such a ratio indicates that the extract contains a concentrated form of active ingredients and therefore has greater efficacy and stronger therapeutic effects compared to regular herbal powder or extract with a lower ratio.

Costs of producing raw herbal powder are minimal, while the costs of producing standardized extract are tens of times higher.

Purity of standardized extracts: Guarantee of Quality and Safety

Ensuring purity of standardized herbal extracts is crucial to achieving a high standard of product quality and safety. The manufacturing process focuses on removing impurities, toxins, while preserving the active ingredients that are desirable for therapeutic effects.

Selection of High-Quality Raw Material
The beginning of the process of manufacturing standardized extracts from herbs starts with the selection of high-quality raw material. Plants are carefully chosen from areas where exposure to pollution and contamination is minimized. This ensures that the resulting product will contain as few undesirable substances as possible.

Filtration and Extraction Process
During extraction, various techniques are used to remove impurities and toxins from the raw material (purification process). These techniques may include the use of filtration membranes and absorbents to capture unwanted components. In addition, special solvents are used that have the ability to separate desirable components from impurities.

Testing and Quality Control
Throughout the manufacturing process, regular tests and quality controls are performed to identify the presence of impurities and toxins in the extracts. These tests also include examination of heavy metal content, which may be harmful to health. If undesirable content is found, additional measures are taken to remove them.

Safety and Efficacy
Ensuring the purity of standardized extracts guarantees their safety and efficacy for users. High-quality extracts ensure that only beneficial components that can have a positive impact on health and well-being enter the body.

Standardized extracts are an important source of natural remedies within Ayurvedic therapies and modern healthcare. Their purity and safety guarantee quality and reliability for all who use them.

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